  1. Apakatjah performs 'Waru'
  2. Community Weather update with Renee Larkins from Alpurrurulam
  3. ICTV continues to give away free baby onesies (English)
  4. ICTV continues to give away free baby onesies (Pitjantjatjara)
  5. In other news... Beyoncé reps Central Desert art (English)
  6. In other news... Beyoncé reps Central Desert art (Western Arranda)
  7. Dallas 'Captain Sanitiser' Mugurra rides to save lives (English)
  8. Dallas 'Captain Sanitiser' Mugurra rides to save lives (Western Arranda)
  9. Mel - Growing up in Palmerston
  10. Manyardi - Minjilang
  11. Growing up in Palmerston
  12. Eddie - Growing up in Palmerston
  13. Dawurr
  14. Remeyaka Lheka (Looking for Goannas)
  15. Pertame Students Asking Questions
  16. Lernnga Irrpwema/Rretema (sunset/sunrise) Song
  17. Pertame Skipping Song (Teddy bear, Teddy bear)
  18. Pertame Chant
  19. High School iPad Challenge
  20. Pertame School Visits Reptile Centre