Yorta Yorta
Yorta Yorta Language Learning Videos
( Jotijota, Yotayota, Yoorta, Ngarrimowro, Arramouro, Wol-lithiga, Jodajoda, Yotta-Yotta, Yorta-Yorta, Yabola, Yota Yota, Yota, Youta, Yota-yota, Yodayoda, Joti-jota, Yoda-Yoda, Yorta Yorta, Yoti Yoti, Kwart Kwart, Unungun, Yortayorta, Bangerang, Yoda Yoda, Benhedore, Jabulajabula, Moira, Narinari, Ngarimawuru, Ngarrimouro, Ngarrimowra, Wollithiga, Woollathura, Yabulayabula, Joda Joda, Yotta Yotta, Gunbowers, Gunbowerooranditchgoole, Wol lithiga )

Language Learning 1: Child to young adult focused: Very basic language learning. Animals, names, numbers, etc.

Language Learning 2: Young adult and upwards focused: Slightly more advanced language learning with topics such as sentences, names of animals and cooking videos with food names.

There are no videos available for this level.

Language Learning 3: Videos about revitalising, learning and teaching language and what it means culturally.