This video was created by Ammalise Presley in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
This story was produced by trainees in the italk studios media production program, October to December 2017:
Jason Reid
Brendan Woods
Darren Buzzacott
Clifford …
I take my mate AP for a day trip of 4wding and fishing at Byfield National Park! Highly recommended spot if you're local or visiting Central Queensland!
The Warlu Crew talk about The Local Volunteers and Fire Management Teams in the Kimberley Regions of Jarlmadangah Burru, Kurungal Council, Bohemia Downs Station and Mount Anderson Station
Today we take a helicopter ride to search for family who got stuck over night on Roebuck Plains Station.
On the way we got to see how beautiful Roebuck Plains is during the 2022 annual flooding.
This is Emma's first helicopter ride over Roebuck Plains!
Girls camping trip at Willie Creek, they did well with bluebone and muddies. Then a day with the little guys chasing more bluebone - fell short (literally).
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