"Niminjarra" is a story owned by Warnman people of the Great Sandy Desert in WA.
Two young men transformed themselves into snakes to make their way home from law ceremony to their mother in the west. They were pursued by “Niminjarra” spirit beings all the way to Lake Dora. …
Water clearance ceremony for Yidumduma Bill Harney's nephew Jonas Doctor. Filmed by Zephyr L'Green. Edited by Russ Hopkins. Produced by Paul Taylor. Yubulyawan Dreaming Project 2013. www.ydproject.com
Here Yidumduma talks to Jonas in Kriol and to the Ancestors in Wardaman …
Malgana country is the area around Shark Bay in Western Australia.
Bianca McNeair grew up listening to the story of The Buyungurra who didn't listen by her mother and she shares the local story with ABC Open. Illustrations drawn by Bianca's daughter Nykita McNeair.
Animated …
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
Western Desert Verbal Arts Project Collection
From 2012 - 2017 Ngaatjatjarra linguist Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis worked with Inge Kral and Jennifer Green to document the endangered verbal arts of the Australian Western Desert.
The Western Desert dialects spoken in the …
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