Our Bedtime Stories 2, Episode 2: Winkarra Jura (Story of the Little Girl)
Story by Rosemary 'Narrurlu' Plummer in the Warumungu language. This episode was produced by Barkly Regional Arts in Tennant Creek, NT.
Our Bedtime Stories presents stories for children in …
‘The Eagle, the Crow and the Bat’ is a rich cultural story shared by the Jaara Community about Jaara totems and teachings, and how the Jaara Country came to be. A rich cultural story about Jaara totems, the book explores why the Eagle is the Lord of the Highlands, how the …
The Charrnock Woman is the fourth stage in CAN WA's Gnarojin Creek revitalisation program. This project celebrates a significant Noongar site along the banks of the creek.
The program aims to identify and showcase important Noongar cultural links to the creek running through …
In 2012-2013 a group of Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaanyatjarra language speakers from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in Western Australia recorded traditional verbal arts and sand stories.
Even in Australian Indigenous communities where traditional spoken languages are still relatively …
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
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