The Eagle, the Crow and the Bat

Our Culture

Added by SharingStories Foundation

Description ‘The Eagle, the Crow and the Bat’ is a rich cultural story shared by the Jaara Community about Jaara totems and teachings, and how the Jaara Country came to be. A rich cultural story about Jaara totems, the book explores why the Eagle is the Lord of the Highlands, how the Crow discovered fire and protects the lowlands and how the Bat is seen as the peacekeeper. SharingStories Foundation collaborated with the Jaara community transferring skills that support cultural continuity and the interpretation of ancient stories using new arts media. Senior Custodians, young people and community members have joined together with SharingStories Foundation to produce and share this unique insight into Jaara Country, culture and story.

Key contributors:
Uncle Rick Nelson
Jaara Community
St Peters Primary school
SharingStories Foundation

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