Barkly Regional Arts

Barkly Regional Arts (BRA) is the regional hub for the arts in the Barkly region. Its remit to deliver arts programs and initiatives in the region is as large as the region itself. BRA has evolved from a project-driven to a program-driven arts organisation. Critical to these programs are that BRA provides an interface between mainstream and Indigenous cultures that reaffirm core BRA values including a celebration of and respect for cultural diversity and recognition of a unique Indigenous demographic.

  1. DHF20: Tadpole Blues - Tennant Creek Primary School
  2. DHF20: Mens Health Week - Tennant Creek High School
  3. DHF20: Lester Peterson - BAMfest
  4. DHF20: The Garden Project - Tennant Creek High School
  5. DHF20: The Song Room - Ellliott Primary School feat Ray Dixon
  6. DHF20: Radio Stars
  7. DHF20: Warumungu Songs - TC Primary Songs
  8. DHF20: Jameson Casson - BAMfest
  9. DHF20: Storybook Project - Connected Beginnings
  10. DHF20: Warren H Williams feat. Julianne Croft - BAMfest
  11. DHF20: Roller Door Art Project - Tennant Creek High School
  12. DHF20: Sandridge Band - BAMfest
  13. DHF20: Pujalli feat. Warumungu Elders
  14. DHF20: Julianne Croft & Reggie O'Riley - BAMfest
  15. DHF20: Welcome To Warumungu Country -Tennant Creek
  16. DHF20: Dr Flouride - BAMfest
  17. Desert Harmony Community Lockdown Festival 2020: Day 2
  18. Desert Harmony Community Lockdown Festival 2020: Day 1
  19. Ali Curung vs YDU Demons FC: 2013 Elimination Final
  20. Desert Harmony Festival 2019: BAMfest