Feral Cats on Warddeken Country
Added by National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub
- Our Way
- 6,317 hits
Feral cats are eating native Australian animals. Indigenous rangers and Traditional Owners from the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area have been working with scientists to monitor native mammal numbers and the impact of feral cats on their country.
- Language:Kunwinjku, Gunwinggu, Gunwinygu
- Location:Manmoyi
- Duration:00:03:58
- Producer or Facilitator:Terah Guymala, Sarah Bilis, Sylvia Ragurrk, Jamie Billis, Manoah Nawilil, Vietta Bangarr
- Editor:Michael Lawrence-Taylor
- Music & Musician:Nabarlek - Land of my people and Little journey to Manmoyhi
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Caring for Country
- Year Completed:2014
- Camera:Warddeken Rangers
- Narrator:Sarah Bilis
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