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Warnman sersion of the Minyipurru story of the 7 Sisters as they traveled through Yinjabarndi Country. Nyiru is the man who chased the Seven Sisters across Australia starting from Roebourne in the North West of Western Australia finishing in the east at Mt Warning in New South Wales.
- Language:Martu Wangka, Manjiljarra, Mantjintjarra, Mandjindja
- Location:Parnngurr WA, Australia
- Duration:00:01:40
- Tags:traditional dance, Pilbara, Martu Media, Culture, Roebourne, Traditional Story
- Director:Curtis Taylor
- Narrator:Kumpaya Girgiba
- Translator:Curtis Taylor
- Copyright:Curtis Taylor
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Traditional Stories
- Year Completed:2010
- Producer or Facilitator:Nicole Ma
- Writer:Curtis Taylor
- Talent:Curtis taylor & Kumpaya Girgiba
- Custodians:The Martu women of the Western Desert are custodians of the Minyipurru Seven Sisters story.
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