The Mokuy Story
Added by SharingStories Foundation
- Young Way
- 8,050 hits
A 'ghost story' belonging to Elcho Island, told to Joey by Cynthia Dhamarrandji, illustrated, storyboarded, recorded and 'performed' by SharingStories youth participants.
- Language:Djambarrpuyngu
- Location:Galiwnku NT, Australia
- Duration:00:05:38
- Producer or Facilitator:SharingStories trainer Tom Murray facilitated the creation under the guidance of Christine and Fred Dhamarrandji with co
- Music & Musician:Cyril and Jasmine
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Drama
- Year Completed:2011
- Director:Christine and Fred Dhamarrandji , Tom Murray and the SharingStories participants all contributed to the decison making processes.
- Copyright:Yolngu content producers listed here.
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