Raputji Bin Pikatjara
Added by PY Media
- Our Way
- 4,738 hits
This video is a humorous look at waste management in our communities. Rubbish bins are in place keep them clean, but they don’t work if we don’t use them. Please put rubbish in the bin.
- Language:Pitjantjatjara
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Drama
- Year Completed:2017
- Director:Thomas Holder
- Editor:Pin Rada
- Talent:Harry Shannon, Errol Pumani, Joseph Doolan, Clive Vanigin,Bradley Roberts, Matthew Berryman Laurence Smith Desmond Woodforde
- Music & Musician:Raputjingkunta Pika Ungkuku, UPK #2
- Copyright:PY Media and DPTI South Australia
- Partner Organisation:The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
- Location:Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands
- Duration:00:02:51
- Producer or Facilitator:PY Media
- Camera:Jacob Taylor, Matthew Berryman
- Writer:Pin Rada, Thomas Holder
- Translator:Thomas Holder
- Sound Recordist:Laurence Smith
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