Our Bedtime Stories Episode 4: Eileen Puwerrerl Gorey - The Snake and the Baby
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Eileen Puwerrerl Gorey tells the story of he Snake and the Baby in the Anmatjere language. Recorded in Ti Tree, NT.
- Language:Anmatyerr, Anmatyerre, Anmatjerre, Anmatjer
- Location:Ti Tree, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:09:31
- Producer or Facilitator:Rita Cattoni
- Camera:Andre Sawenko
- Writer:James Balfour & Rita Cattoni
- Talent:Eileen Puwerrerl Gorey
- Translator:April Campbell
- Music & Musician:Raymond Dixon
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Traditional Stories
- Year Completed:2018
- Director:Kiara Bailey
- Editor:Kiara Bailey, Josh Davis, Danny Phillips
- Narrator:Eileen Puwerrerl Gorey
- Other Crew:Post Production Coordinator: Joshua Davis
- Soundtrack:Stephen Pigram, Raymond Dixon
- Sound Recordist:James Balfour
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