Etwalkur’ inthurra ungkwanganga (Nearer, My God, to Thee) - The Williams Family
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Performed in Western Aranda, this video was created as a part of the Therrka Endangered Languages Project. (Scroll down for lyrics and translations).
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Indigenous Languages and Arts Department of Communications and the Arts, its Arts funding and Advisory body.
Verse 1:
Etwalkur’ inthurra ungkwanganga,
(Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!)
Altjirra nukarrai, yinga namarra!
(E’en though it be a cross That raiseth me,)
Nyingalauwumala, yinga lyilhitjina:
(Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee,)
“Etwalkur’ inthurra Yinga namara!”
(Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!)
Verse 2:
Yinga tjaatha kngarra lhakalanga,
(Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down,)
Ingwa kngarrala-ntam’ ankw-intamanga:
(Darkness be over me, My rest a stone,)
Altjirra-ramala ’tha nganha ’ritjina:
(Yet in my dreams I’d be Nearer, my God to Thee,)
Etwalkur’ inthurra Yinga namara!
(Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee!)
Verse 3:
Tjaiya nuk’ urrkaapai alkir-urna,
(There let the way appear Steps unto heav’n;)
Angel-a ingkairnai nuk’ ilkwaatharra!
(All that Thou send’st to me In mercy giv’n;)
Nuka nguwanga nai, yinganha rraatjilai:
(Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee,)
Etwalkur’ inthurra Yinga namara!
(Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!)
Copyright © 2018 CAAMA Music. All rights reserved.
Musical Director and Song Arrangement: Warren H Williams
Vocals: Genise Williams, Nicholas Williams, Damien Williams
Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Keyboard and Bass: Warren H Williams
Western Aranda Translations Advisor: David Roennfeldt
Producer: Elijah Barbour
Recorded & Mixed By: Elijah Barbour
Mastering: Elijah Barbour
Project Management: Johanna Campbell
Hymn 249 ('Nearer my God to Thee') in the "Arrarnta Lyilhintja Lutheran Wurlamparinyaka [Western Arrarnta Lutheran Hymnal]" published in 1997 by Finke River
Mission Board, Lutheran Church of Australia, Alice Springs NT
Tune: ALH 416
Nearer, My God, to Thee, Sarah F. Adams
Western Arrarnta: Tr. sts. 1-3 HAH, Updated translation by TGH Strehlow - circa 1950
- Language:Western Arranda
- Location:Alice Springs, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:03:29
- Producer or Facilitator:CAAMA Music, Elijah Barbour
- Talent:Musical Director and Song Arrangement: Warren H Williams Vocals: Genise Williams, Nicholas Williams, Damien Williams Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Keyboard and Bass: Warren H Williams Western Aranda Translations Advisor: David Roennfeldt
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Live Music - Gospel
- Year Completed:2019
- Director:Warren H Williams
- Music & Musician:Musical Director and Song Arrangement: Warren H Williams Vocals: Genise Williams, Nicholas Williams, Damien Williams Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Keyboard and Bass: Warren H Williams Western Aranda Translations Advisor: David Roennfeldt