This documentary features Peter Sebastian, a 16 year old Broome boy who descends from a strong ancestry of Yawuru people. Frank Sebastian is Peter's grandfather and is a very respected Yawuru elder. On location Peter talks of going Barney (Goanna) hunting out on Roebuck Plains …
This story was created by Ashley Ward in the iTalk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
The training program helps participants tell their own stories, with the trainees being hands on in all elements of the production of their videos.
This video was …
A popular activity with the youth of Onslow is 'going bush' to hunt for Bush Turkey, Kangaroo and Goanna, and this was the basis for this film. The students built a set, created clay figures and recorded voice-overs and dialogue for this short animation.
Yindjibarndi kids and adults go spiniex fishing, using the spinifex as a net. Winner of the Best Hunting, Cooking and Bushfoods Video at the 13th Remote Indigenous Media Festival.
This documentary focuses on spear making in the traditional way using acacia Tumida or Wongai. An elder of the Bardi people, Uncle Bundy takes the boys out for a day and teaches traditional spear making whilst telling the boys of important places and names in Bardi country and …
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voices and names of deceased people.
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