Another music video from the Jimmy Little Foundation. This time it's the kids from Djarindjin singing about healthy tucker.
Kids from Yirrkala sing about how healthy tucker is good for you to eat.
The Jimmy Little Foundation have released a health campaign involving several communities. This is a song from the Gapluwlyak community about drinking water.
A song about eating health traditional food from the country and the sea, filmed with the kids from Luki Manymak Natha Middle School & Sheperdson College in Gliwin'ku Arnhem Land.
Song about eating healthy, made with the Nuykal Class in Yirrkala.
Year 7,8,9 students from Gapuwiyak School sing a song about Yohngu people eating healthy.
Film clip made by the Milingimbi School and Community about two friends and the importance of eating healthy.
Song, sung in language, about eating healthy.
Film clip, sung by the kids at Blackstone Community, about eating healthy in the community.
Song about good tucker in Gunbalanya.
Sung by the students of Beagle Bay Sacred Heart School, a song about eating healthy.
A healthy food song from Pormpuraaw State School.
Elizebeth Gunygula shares her thoughts of what it was like working with the Jimmy Little Foundation and the positive vibe it brought to the community.
"I Drink Lots of Water" is a song by kids of Wadeye, NT.
The kids of Tennant Creek sing a song about eating healthy and living a long life.
Students from the Doomadgee State School, sing a song about having a healthy party and keeping it fun.
Students from Ramingining sing a song about healthy eating in Ramingining.
Martu history from the Jukurrpa looking into the future.
PAKAM Station ID (#3)
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