Young Way

Videos for children and young adults, includes: animations, music videos made by children and stories made by kids in community.

  1. OYA October School Holidays
  2. Our Life - Kids with Confidence
  3. Gurrutumi
  4. Darwin OYA - July School Holiday Program 2020
  5. CULTURE - Njernda Crew
  6. Because of her - BDAC
  7. BDAC Youth Video Compilation
  8. YiraraTV - Seniors Formal Night fun, End of Year Awards and Yearbook preview!
  9. Why do you want to go to work, working out at Arid Zone Research Institute and Keeping Alice Clean!
  10. Back at School and we have enjoyed doing so many things.
  11. YiraraTV today we have a visitor in our Chapel, Clontraf go north & Mishai talks about boarding life
  12. Yirara2u - Episode 32 Term 4, 3 December 2020
  13. Yirara2u - Episode 31 Term 4, 2 December 2020
  14. Yirara2u - Episode 30 Term 4, 1 December 2020
  15. Yirara2u - Episode 29 Term 4, 30 November 2020
  16. Yirara’s Great Swimming Carnival, Girl Academy go to Darwin and we have fun in the studio.
  17. YCTV E3 T1 - Running around town in a race, learn about Children’s rights and our famous Quicklooks - Sultanas !
  18. Yirara2u - Episode 28 Term 4, 26 November 2020
  19. Yirara2u - Episode 27 Term 4, 25 November 2020
  20. Yirara2u - Episode 22 Term 4, 17 November- 2020