44 Videos 10 ContributorsAbout Tiwi
Videos in Tiwi
The Official Video for 'Ngirramini' (Culture) written, recorded and filmed with the students at Tiwi College during the Red Dust Role Models Healthy Living Program (October 26th - 30th 2015).
The song is about having dreams and goals. Sometimes it takes hard work to reach those …
Young Way03:304,156 views
Be Crocwise - Narrated in Tiwi
Crocodile Safety video and information commissioned by the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
Our Night-time02:503,797 views
Cornelia Tipuamantamerri
Cornelia Tipuamantumirri uses the pwoja for her work, dipping the comb shaped carved ironwood into her ochre palette; shades of pinks and yellows to portray the reflections of her long life lived on the Tiwi Islands. Reflections also, of the skyes’ lights on the surface of the …
Our Way02:244,552 views