Torres Strait Islander "Kab Kar" Dance
Added by Oz Outback
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After a song by women beating snake-skin drums, boys from Djarragun College, a school for indigenous students near Cairns, Far North Queensland, perform the traditional "Kab Kar" dances from Murray Island in the Torres Strait depicting daily life in the islands: Peba weli (a song about a bird) and Marrka Ipi (Tag tag), spirit dance. They dance in pairs, wearing the feather "dhari" headdress.
- Language:Meriam Mir, Miriam, Meryam, Mer, Mir, Miriam-Mir
- Location:Cairns, QLD, AUSTRALIA
- Duration:00:06:07
- Camera:Ludo Kuipers
- Sound Recordist:Ludo Kuipers
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Traditional Dance
- Year Completed:2010
- Editor:Ludo Kuipers
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