The Brotherhood by The Gowrie Boys
Added by Desert Pea Media
- Young Way
- 5,947 hits
This hip hop track is an outcome from a project called 'Song Nation' -- A collaboration between Toby Finlayson and Matthew Priestley from Desert Pea Media, The Smugglers Of Light Foundation, Vibe Australia and APRA/ AMCOS.
Created as part of a mentoring process with young people from St Teresa's College, Abergowrie North QLD, the song was written as part of a unique process with Desert Pea Media and yr 12 students.
Song Nation culminated at The Vibe Festival in Townsville, where the young people were invited to screen their clips and perform in front of over 2,000 people.
- Language:English
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Hiphop
- Year Completed:2011
- English Subtitles:No
- Duration:00:03:03
- Producer or Facilitator:Toby Finlayson
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