Growing Our Future with Seeds of our Past
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Showcasing the Ramingining Food Ladder greenhouse, growing hydroponic vegetables for local consumption. Project Developed by ALPA and Food Ladder and owned by Rulku Lodge and Dinybulu Regional Services, with funding provided by the Australian Government Indigenous Advancement Strategy.
- Language:Djambarrpuyngu
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Cooking Shows & Bush Food
- Year Completed:2016
- Director:Greg Stehle
- Editor:Greg Stehle
- Music & Musician:"To the Sun" by Lost Harmonies Royalty free music from
- Partner Organisation:Food Ladder, Dinybulu Services, Rulku Lodge
- Location:Ramingining
- Duration:00:04:05
- Producer or Facilitator:Greg Stehle
- Camera:Greg Stehle
- Talent:Paul Ganambarr, Andrew Gurruwiwi,
- Copyright:ALPA
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