Kowanyama Bush Food Story
Added by Apunipima Cape York Health Council
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Sharing food stories and knowledge, showcasing and encouraging the continued collection, preparation and consumption of bush foods, acknowledging the nutritional and health benefits of bush foods and promoting optimal health for pregnant women and their children.
- Language:English
- Location:Cape York, QLD, Australia
- Duration:00:04:16
- Producer or Facilitator:Hudson Films
- Talent:Samantha Martin (Bush Tukka Woman), Priscilla Major, Hazel Barr, Chrissy Aiden, Michael Yam
- Custodians:Yir Yoront, Yirrk Thangalkl, Koko Bera, Uw Oykangand, and Olkola people
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Cooking Shows & Bush Food
- Year Completed:2019
- Director:Ewan Cutler
- Music & Musician:n/a
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