Mau Power - Arrived ft. Marcus Corowa
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The first single from my new album Blue Lotus The Awakening and featuring the voice talent of Marcus Corowa, Arrived tells the story of when you have arrived at an important, singular moment in your destiny. The lyrics describes the visions and dreams that were the continuous drive and passion of this journey that has taken many years of dedication to bring to life.
Mau Power is a lyrical storyteller from Thursday Island in the Torres Straits of Australia,
his artistry is guided by two cultures indigenous and Hip-Hop.
He is revered by the Australian government for championing the Indigenous Aborigine
culture in modern day times.
The Torres Strait Islands is made up of 274 small islands that lie in the beautiful turquoise
waterways that separate The Cape York Peninsula in the northern tip of Australia from
Papua New Guinea. Thursday Island is approximately 4.5 square kilometers of lush
tropical terrain that is still governed by Indigenous knowledge. It is a place where
song and dance play an integral role in the survival of cultural traditions.
For many years, the Indigenous society have been recording their culture through
music and upon the advent of Hip Hop in the region, Mau Power cultivated a subgenre that
will record and tell the story of the Indigenous people. It is the art of storytelling that embodies
the connection of two cultures that makes Mau Power a truly unique Australian artist.
Patrick Mau is the founding Director of One Blood Hidden Image Entertainment
Group, which is the first Torres Strait full-service audio and film production company.
- Language:English
- Location:Thursday Island, QLD, Australia
- Duration:00:03:59
- Producer or Facilitator:Mau Power
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Hiphop
- Year Completed:2019
- Music & Musician:Mau Power ft Marcus Corowa