Camilla's Story
Added by Nungalinya College Media Studies
- Spiritual Way
- 1,890 hits
Nungalinya College (Darwin) is the national indigenous training college for the Anglican, Catholic and Uniting Churches in Australia. Offering several quality courses, a Cert 2 in Media Studies was started in 2013. The students major project was to film and edit their own story into a short documentary. These are their stories...
- Language:English
- Location:Darwin, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:03:47
- Camera:Beatrice Tcherna
- Talent:Interview: Sandra Cox and Sandra Wangarr. Photos: Camilla Dairiyi, Warwick Vincent and Francis Tcherna.
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Religious Presentation
- Year Completed:2019
- Editor:Camilla Dairiyi
- Music & Musician:Royalty free music paid for by Nungalinya College for student use, purchased from Footage Firm, in 2013-2015
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