The Life of a Red Kangaroo
Added by M'Bunghara School
- Young Way
- 7,413 hits
Documentary about red kangaroos, from the perspective of the Red Kangaroo.
Winner of "The People's Choice Award" at the 14th Remote Media Festival held in October 2012 in Djarindjin community, WA.
- Language:English
- Location:M'Bunghara Outstation, near Papunya NT.
- Duration:00:04:24
- Tags:School, Kids, story, Kangaroo, Comedy, Northern Territory
- Camera:Steve Nankiville
- Talent:Shane Morris, Terrance Morris, , Shannon Morton, Randy Wako, Ranesha Brown, Ernestine Price, Teraleanne Morris
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Health & Education
- Year Completed:2012
- Director:Steve Nankiville
- Writer:Steve Nankiville
- Sound Recordist:Steve Nankiville
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