We enjoyed the Melbourne Demons vs St Kilda match, taught the teachers our language and Red Center Cup.
Added by Yirara College
- Young Way
- 1,448 hits
This week we saw the Melbourne Demons vs St Kilda match live at Traeger Park in town, taught our teachers our language and played Clontarfs Red Center Cup on campus.
YCTV E7 T3 - 2020 - With Captions - V3
- Language:English
- Location:Alice Springs, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:12:03
- Producer or Facilitator:Paul Imms
- Camera:Paul Imms
- Writer:Paul Imms
- Talent:Orlando Rubuntja from Kalkarinji, Bomber (Simon Coutts) from Clontarf
- Soundtrack:www.audioblocks.com
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:News
- Year Completed:2020
- Director:Paul Imms
- Editor:Paul Imms
- Narrator:Deanna Charlie from Borroloola. Teletar Woods from Katherine. Dorean Grant from Tennant Creek.
- Other Crew:Various Yirara Staff and students
- Sound Recordist:Paul Imms
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