Our girls play trust games, we work Civil Construction Certificate 1 & talk about work experience.
Added by Yirara College
- Young Way
- 1,896 hits
In this week’s YCTV episode some of our senior students work on towards their Civil Construction Certificate 1, we talk about work experience in town and our girls play trust games.
YCTV E6 T1 - 2021
- Language:English
- Location:Alice Springs, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:10:15
- Producer or Facilitator:Paul Imms
- Camera:Paul Imms
- Writer:Paul Imms
- Talent:Tyrone Charlie from Borroloola, Howei Gurruwiwi from Dhalinybuy, Qitarah Wallace from Mutitjulu, Noah Noble from Robinson River, Tyrell Godilla from Elliott. Florence Bourke – teacher.
- Soundtrack:www.audioblocks.com
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:News
- Year Completed:2020
- Director:Paul Imms
- Editor:Paul Imms
- Narrator:Frederica Godilla from Elliot, Sherina Douglas from Bonya, Meridian Gibson from Yuelamu
- Other Crew:Various Yirara Staff and students
- Sound Recordist:Paul Imms
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