Climbing walls like spiderman, release of a new rap music video and Quicklooks.
Added by Yirara College
- Young Way
- 2,027 hits
This weeks YiraraTV we are climbing walls like spiderman, Shade and Tyrone release their new rap music video and in Quicklooks we are doing so many things. What a great week at Yirara !
YCTV E2 T3 - 2021 V3
- Language:English
- Location:Alice Springs, NT, Australia
- Duration:00:12:27
- Producer or Facilitator:Paul Imms
- Camera:Paul Imms
- Writer:Paul Imms
- Talent:Kurtlin Paddy from Imanpa, Kyrel Noonan from Tennant Creek, Celviston Bara from Binjari
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Youth
- Year Completed:2021
- Director:Paul Imms
- Editor:Paul Imms
- Narrator:Tobias Hume from Katherine and Gary Hogan from Borroloola
- Other Crew:Various Yirara Staff and students
- Sound Recordist:Paul Imms
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