Corey Theatre Talks about Barngarla Songs

Our Culture

Added by Jonas Dare

Description Nexus Arts will work with the Barngarla community (SA), Gunditj/Kurnai musician and student of linguistics Corey Theatre (SA), Ngaanyatjarra musician and choir leader Vonda Last (SA), Barngarla leader and linguistics student Stephen Atkinson (SA), and video and sound artist Dave Laslett (SA) to record traditional Barngarla songs and stories from Elders, and adapt and compose new songs in Barngarla through intergenerational music workshops for recording and public performance.


In recent language workshops in Port Augusta and Port Lincoln at the end of May 2016, Barngarla participants realised that there were still several Barngarla Elders alive with a substantial knowledge of language-related songs and music. As a tool for reclaiming the language and for reconnecting with Barngarla knowledge and heritage, community members discussed with the Gunditj/Kurnai musician and linguistics student Corey Theatre the recording, adapting and writing of Barngarla songs.

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