Checkpoint Ltyentye is a video game review show created in rural community Ltyentye Apurte. Introducing an Aboriginal voice to the video game industry, our aim is to present Aboriginal perspectives and contribute to a shift towards Aboriginal representation in gaming!
This video was created by Ammalise Presley in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
This story was produced by trainees in the italk studios media production program, October to December 2017:
Jason Reid
Brendan Woods
Darren Buzzacott
Clifford …
This is a story about rain in prison and thinking about the people back home. It was created by Abraham in the italk training program at the Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
A part of the compilation created for the Alice Springs Desert Festival 2017, produced as part of the …
This story was created by Angus Sitzler in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
This story was produced by trainees in the italk studios media production program, May to July 2016:
Matthew Stevens
Mike Wallace
Jason Limerick
Idmaran Johnson
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images,
voices and names of deceased people.
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