This short animation by Aaron Tennyson was produced in term four of the italk library animation project, produced by trainees in the iTalk medai production program, held in Alice Springs.
The trainees in this term included:
Abraham Phillipus, Jason Phillipus, Arron Tennyson, …
Went for an afternoon sesh off the rocks at Pebble Beach, nothing amazing just a Sting Ray, juvenile Spotted Mack and a deep dive lure that was floating by.
Jupurrurla talks about the difference between images of Warlpiri now and 50 years ago and incorporating digital images into the YAMA yujuku. It then draws into the identity of Neil Cooke and other Warlpiri and how that identity projects into the future.
This traditional song from Lindsay Gameraidj carries with it a strong message about eating local food/traditional food. \ The singing is compelling, Lindsay is also the lead singer of the Bininj Band.
Today we take a helicopter ride to search for family who got stuck over night on Roebuck Plains Station.
On the way we got to see how beautiful Roebuck Plains is during the 2022 annual flooding.
This is Emma's first helicopter ride over Roebuck Plains!
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