This is one of a series of Vox Pop films created by people who attended the 'Wangka Kanyilku, Wangka : Decolonising First Nations' Languages Conference', Kalgoorlie 24-26 October 2023.
This film features Brenda Larsen from Curtin University.
For more information on the …
Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi is a group of Kaurna people, teachers, linguists and language enthusiasts who are engaged in the reclamation and teaching of the Kaurna language.
Kaurna language and culture is the property of the Kaurna community. For more information visit: …
Jaylon highlights the difference between a welcome TO country and an acknowledgement OF country and provides a couple of different acknowledgement statements that anyone can learn and use.
Please note: We strongly encourage you to learn and speak the Kaurna language used in …
A Kuarna Language short-short course from Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi.
Kaurna language and culture is the property of the Kaurna community. For more information visit:
In the NAIDOC 2023 year 'For Our Elders', the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre created a series of films ensuring Goldfields Elders have a voice. A film has been made, one in each community in the Goldfields, featuring an Elder talking about the democratic process of voting. …
This short film is about how to say 'Given By' in the Ngaanyatjarra language from the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Join Mr. Nintipayi as he explains language each week.
Enjoy and check out GALCAC's YouTube channel for a new film each week!
Enjoy and check out …
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