This is one of a series of Vox Pop films created by people who attended the 'Wangka Kanyilku, Wangka : Decolonising First Nations' Languages Conference', Kalgoorlie 24-26 October 2023.
This film features Dr. Doug Marmion from ANU and Sue Hanson CEO/Senior Linguist from the …
A big storm hits Pirltawardli.
This series was created by Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi.
Kaurna language and culture is the property of the Kaurna community. For more information visit:
First Languages Australia short with Abigail Carter speaking Burarra.
This beautiful series of shorts from First Languages Australia celebrate Indigenous languages, and the people who speak them, keep them alive and help others to learn more about Indigenous language.
My name is Anne Gela and I am a fluent big thap kriol / yumpla tok language speaker born on Thursday Island. I am a Mualgal woman from St Paul community of Moa Island which is situated in the inner-west Torres Strait group of islands.
I believe that there are two types of …
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voices and names of deceased people.
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