Description Dreaming story about why the Emu can't fly and why there is so much water in the local area. The illustrations are by the students at Dawu Remote Community School.
Our Bedtime Stories 2, Episode 8: Nganke (Kaytetye Crow Story)
Story by Amy Nambulla in the Kaytetye language. This episode was produced by ICTV in Stirling, NT.
Our Bedtime Stories presents stories for children in Indigenous languages, using traditional storytelling …
Pintal Pintal: In the middle of the night Babiduwarrida was sleeping, he was dreaming a song (Maru). This song was travelling to him, coming from a spiritual place called Yatangal. Closer and closer the song was coming, the song from the dreaming came closer for Babiduwarrida as …
‘Alpiri’ is a form of motivational or instructional speech traditionally used in the early morning in Anangu camps. Usually an elder would get up early to broadcast a message to people waking in the camp. In the alpiri video series, we have produced short videos in which …
This movie was made by the students at Kalkarindji School. The movie is about The Emu Dreaming. The students went on an excursion to the Emu Dreaming Rock, where elders from the community told them the story. The students recorded this with sound and video. Back at the school …
Western Desert Verbal Arts Project Collection
From 2012 - 2017 Ngaatjatjarra linguist Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis worked with Inge Kral and Jennifer Green to document the endangered verbal arts of the Australian Western Desert.
The Western Desert dialects spoken in the …
Our Bedtime Stories 2, Episode 17: Gooroo and Marrara (Freshwater Mangrove and Wild Plum)
Story by Mervyn Street in the Gooniyandi language. This episode was produced by Pilbara and Kimberley Aboriginal Media (PAKAM) at Rocky Pool in the Fitzroy Valley, WA.
Our Bedtime …
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