Family Celebration Event
Waringarri Radio 6WR is the number 1 radio station in the East Kimberley and is proud to be the only local community radio station in the area.
Their vision is to be the Aboriginal voice of the North East Kimberley.
More info at their website: …
In this wshort animation, a woman experiencing domestic violence talks to her Mum about getting a court order.
Created by iTalk Library in Alice Springs, NT.
Berribob Watson as a young person contracted Rheumatic Heart Disease. He has through his entire adult life managed the disease. In this film clip directed towards his own community but applicable to all he reinforces the need for regular visits to the doctor for a check up.
So you think smoking won't affect your fitness for football or going out bush? The boys from Ngukurr have a different message for you. Give up smoking or give up fitness.
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images,
voices and names of deceased people.
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