This video shows Violet Wadrill Nanaku, Biddy Wavehill Yamawurr Nangala and Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal Nangari collecting kamara (black soil yams).
It was produced by Felicity Meakins (University of Queensland).
For more information, contact Felicity Meakins ( …
Western Desert Verbal Arts Project Collection
From 2012 - 2017 Ngaatjatjarra linguist Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis worked with Inge Kral and Jennifer Green to document the endangered verbal arts of the Australian Western Desert.
The Western Desert dialects spoken in the …
Uti Kulintjaku Watiku Project.
Bringing men together to address the drivers of family violence in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara region.
Gathering and preparing bush medicine near Laramba and Coniston NT
Bush medicine with the Anmatjere mob from Laramba in Anmatjere language with English subtitles.
Many thanks to the elders and young people of Laramba Community:
Beryl Gorey, Eileen Gorey, Bessie Dixon, …
WHATS UP WINANJJIKARI: EP 5 - Learn how to make Clapsticks with Reggie while learning words in Wombaya! Filmed in the area of Tennant Creek in our local Winnanjjikari Music Centre.
Wik boys head out bush during the season of Kaarp (wetseason) for some bush fruits known in language as 'may yoorp'. These berries are very sweet and are part of a healthy bush-tucker diet.
The boys then enjoy a fun afternoon in the peak of Kaarps big wet at a local waterhole …
Minh puuy is the Wik-Mungkan name for the giant Cape York mud crab found here in Aurukun.
Join locals Rufus, Rosie and young Jonny as they take us deep into the mangroves for some serious bush tucker...
and keep your ears open for a lesson in their Wik-Mungkan …
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voices and names of deceased people.
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