Wanyja Mankaar? Where is the Bilby?

Our Way

Added by Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa

Description In a remote part of Australia live some rare and threatened animals. One such animal is the shy bilby. Once common across Australian deserts, the bilby is now endangered. It’s last stronghold in the wild is in Martu country. Martu people are the traditional owners for this bilby country.
Martu rangers working with Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa look after country using Martu ways and whitefella ways. They protect endangered animals like the bilby. Introduced animals like feral cats, foxes and rabbits threaten the bilbies.
Large hot wildfires also destroy their food and cover from predators. Martu rangers put a remote sensor camera outside of a bilby burrow to capture some of the life of a bilby.

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