Description This film tells the story of Mewal, a spirit being who travelled through Marrangu country. Mewal travelled with Djarewarre, the Marrangu honey spirit.
Singers: Jimmy Djamanba, JB Fisher, Stanley Djalarra Rankin, Ad Djulipirri and Raymond Fisher. Didjeridu: Mikey Gurruwiwi, Kevin Yirrwurr, Harold Raiwalla
Aboriginal song and dance from Elcho Island and Yirrkala, north-eastern Arnhem Land in the Top End of the Northern Territory perform dances, first solo to the song of the song man; and, when the didgeridoo starts, all together, with the women among the men, carrying strips of …
Yugul Mangi Ranger Maritza Roberts talks to Andy Lukaman Peters about learning respect, culture way.
A collaboration between Ngukurr Art Centre and Ngukurr Language Centre, Ngukurr Story Project supports local people to tell the stories they want to tell in the language they …
The 13th national Remote Media Festival presents this Traditional Inma Pulka, where the people from Amata, Fregon, Wingellina and Kenmore Park gathered together in Umuwa for a big Traditional dance ceremony.
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