The short film based on a true story in Kununurra. A remote town in the East Kimberley of Australia. The film was made by Waringarri Media in collaboration with KDHS & Save The Children.
Waringarri Radio 6WR is the number 1 radio station in the East Kimberley and is proud to …
The ICTV annual video report is a snap shot of the past financial year at ICTV.
First screened as part of the 2016 AGM held in Yirrkala as part of the 18th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival.
For a more comprehensive look at the past year you can download a full …
Chasing the Rainbow is a whimsical short film produced on a smart phone about memory and childhood. Sam shares her favourite spot to hang out with her friends as a child in Port Augusta, South Australia.
Chasing the Rainbow is part of UMEE STORIES: WE ALL HAVE YARNS presented …
Waringarri Radio 6WR is the number 1 radio station in the East Kimberley and is proud to be the only local community radio station in the area.
Their vision is to be the Aboriginal voice of the North East Kimberley.
More info at their website:
Warning Viewers are warned this site contains images,
voices and names of deceased people.
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