Wati and the Ngarlis
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Wati and the Ngarlis was produced by a group of delegates at the 13th Remote Indigenous Media Festival held in Umuwa, South Australia in October 2011. It provides a "Charlie's Angels' perspective on the history and current status of remote Indigenous Television.
- Language:English
- Location:Umuwa SA, Australia
- Duration:00:06:34
- Producer or Facilitator:Anna Cadden
- Camera:Henley Hunger, Ian Waina
- Talent:Courntey Singleton, Lorraine King, Corrina Sebastian, Ian Waina, Noeli Roberts, Belle Davidson, Bernadette Angus, Elizabeth Katakarinja, Daniel Featherstone, Neil Turner, Winnie WOods, Isiah Fisher, Anton Woods, Ananias WOods, Lousiono Williams, Spiran Bu
- Music & Musician:Corrina Sebastian, Bernadette Angus, Annette Victor, Lorraine King, Courney Singleton, Jeremy Wiskey (Music recorded by Jeremy Whiskey, Corrina Sebastian)
- Copyright:ICTV & IRCA
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Drama
- Year Completed:2011
- Director:Annette VIctor, Henley Hunter, Simon Fisher
- Writer:Corrina Sebastian, Lorraine King, Courtney Singleton, Bernadette Angus, Annette Victor, Daniel Featherstone, Anna Cadden
- Translator:N/A
- Sound Recordist:Sandra Umbagai Clarke, Ian Waina, Gideon Gardiner, Dennis Charles
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