Description In this short animation drama, two men talk about family violence in their lives. Produced for Northern Territory Department of Corrections.
Family Celebration Event
Waringarri Radio 6WR is the number 1 radio station in the East Kimberley and is proud to be the only local community radio station in the area.
Their vision is to be the Aboriginal voice of the North East Kimberley.
More info at their website: …
This short animation was co-developed by Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) and the Threatened Species Recovery Hub (ended Dec 2021). The animation is focused on cats on country, highlighting the high reproductive capacity of cats, and the …
This short animation was co-developed by Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) and the Threatened Species Recovery Hub (ended Dec 2021). The animation is focused on cats on country, highlighting the high reproductive capacity of cats, and the …
When asked to develop a script for a health promotion campaign, Stanley decided to rely on some traditional knowledge and apply it to a modern context.
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