Emotional literacy animations in Pitjantjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra. Developed by and for Anangu living in the central desert region to keep language strong - in particular the language for talking about mental health.
Australia's Original Nations people suffer huge disadvantages, both culturally and socially. Many Original Nations people continue to feel the effects of generational trauma on a daily basis, critical rates of youth suicide (the highest in the world), low life expectancy, …
Corrugated Iron Youth Arts is a Darwin based organisation working with young people around the Northern Territory. A long-standing relationship with Incite Arts has led to Corrugated Iron's involvement in Unbroken Land over the years. This year it has become a project of the …
This animation, “Tick Sickness” was developed to raise knowledge and awareness of diseases transmitted by ticks, including Ehrlichiosis, a new tick-Borne disease which was first detected in Australia in May 2020.
Ehrlichiosis, which is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia …
In 2019, the North Queensland Primary Health Network commissioned Desert Pea Media to visit five remote communities (Kuranda, Bowen, Palm Island, Thursday Island, Lockhart River) to work with some of the most disadvantaged and 'at risk' young people.
DPM's 'Break It Down' …
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