Description A group of young girls go and dig up a plant called lywemp-lywemp. They mix it with water and put it in their hair to make it shiny and long.
How to make bush medicine
Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) committee members directed the CLC to re-imagine their IPA Plan of Management, an English-heavy guide book for looking after the IPA. The brief was to create a lush digital resource using spoken Warlpiri …
Ngardan, the earth mound created by the black soil termite namulu is great medicine. Eaten straight it helps with arthritis and all your joints. Lying down on a heated mound earth bed covered with straw and a little water to create steam is a wonderful healer for your whole body. …
Senior traditional owners and community members of the Thamarrurr region were engaged before the beginning of the Kakadu plum season to express their thoughts and opinions on what the plum business means to them and the importance of sustainability.
This video shows Connie Ngarmeiye Nangala demonstrating how to make treat babies using tamara (antbed). It also features Keithan Barry and his mother Lisa Smiler, and Keenan Barry, Becky Peter and Sarah Oscar.
It was produced by Felicity Meakins (University of Queensland).
A Traditional elder gives a tour out bush in the Chuulangun Homelands (Cape York) looking for native plants ,speaking in both English and language, he talks about the Tjulu plant.
A story about a group of ladies who go out hunting with two dogs. They hunt for porcupine, and one gathers a plant for bush medicine. The two dogs chase a goanna up a tree and then the ladies kill the goanna. They go to the dinner camp and cook the goanna, and have a cup of …
This film grew from language, art and filmmaking workshops throughout 2008. This is the story about a woman who goes out hunting and gets sick. Her mother is angry at the others in the party who did not take care of her daughter, so they go hunting for a lizard and ilpengk bush …
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