This is a story about thinking about getting out of prison. It was created by Cyril Watson in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
A part of the compilation created for the Alice Springs Desert Festival 2017, produced as part of the italk Media …
Nungalinya College (Darwin) is the national indigenous training college for the Anglican, Catholic and Uniting Churches in Australia. Offering several quality courses, a Cert 2 in Media Studies was started in 2013. The students major project was to film and edit their own story …
Created by Malcolm Riley in the italk training program at Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
This story was produced by trainees in the italk studios media production program, May to July 2016:
Matthew Stevens
Mike Wallace
Jason Limerick
Idmaran Johnson
Brendan Payne
FULL flavour Beef & Bacon Bone Stew.
Perfect for your next camping trip, slow cooked in the camp oven over coals for 4.5hrs in my charcoal egg bbq, you could do the same in a normal oven at home too!
Make it your own! Don’t have to stick to my recipe, just sharing the feed!
On this episode my Brother (Kean Coffin) and he's family takes me out to Millstream Chichester National Park for a day trip and shows me how to find Bush Lollies.
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