( Kaanju, Anjingid )14 Videos 5 ContributorsAbout Kaantju
Videos in Kaantju
Indigenous Language Warning_Kaantju (Contains Deceased Content)
These disclaimers are used on ICTV and the ICTV PLAY website to warn people watching that the upcoming video contains images, voices and names of deceased people.
This project was made possible thanks to project support from The Community Broadcasting Foundation.
Traffic00:301,792 views
Indigenous Language Warning_Kaantju (May Contain Deceased Content)
These disclaimers are used on ICTV and the ICTV PLAY website to warn people watching that the upcoming video contains images, voices and names of deceased people.
This project was made possible thanks to project support from The Community Broadcasting Foundation.
Traffic00:301,956 views
Jennifer Creek - Kaantju
First Languages Australia short with Jennifer Creek speaking about the Kaantju language.
First Languages Australia is a national organisation working with community language programs around the country to support the continued use and recognition of Australia’s first …
Our Culture02:415,430 views
Tahnee Creek - Kaantju/Ayapthu and Kuuka-Ya’u/Lama Lama
First Languages Australia short with Tahnee Creek speaking Kaantju/Ayapthu and Kuuka-Ya’u/Lama Lama.
This video is a part of the First Languages Australia Gambay language map project. Available to view here: https://gambay.com.au
Our Culture01:315,699 views
Jennifer Creek - Kaantju/Ayapathu
First Languages Australia short with Jennifer Creek speaking Kaantju/Ayapathu.
This video is a part of the First Languages Australia Gambay language map project. Available to view here: https://gambay.com.au
Our Culture03:057,186 views
Terence Creek - Southern Kanntju
First Languages Australia short with Terence Creek speaking Southern Kanntju.
This video is a part of the First Languages Australia Gambay language map project. Available to view here: https://gambay.com.au
Our Culture02:334,816 views
Shonae Hobson - Kaantju
First Languages Australia short with Shonae Hobson with Kaantju.
This video is a part of the First Languages Australia Gambay language map project. Available to view here: https://gambay.com.au
Our Culture01:204,734 views
Gabreil Creek - Kaantju
First Languages Australia short with Gabreil Creek, speaking Kaantju.
This video is a part of the First Languages Australia Gambay language map project. Available to view here: https://gambay.com.au
Our Culture02:275,016 views
Big Talk One Fire Festival- Lockhart 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performance 4
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performing live at the UMI Arts Big Talk One Fire Indigenous Cultural Festival on 1 August, 2015 at Fogarty Park, Cairns.
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers were the winners of the 2015 Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival Shield. …
Our Culture10:525,523 views
Big Talk One Fire Festival- Lockhart 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performance 3
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performing live at the UMI Arts Big Talk One Fire Indigenous Cultural Festival on 1 August, 2015 at Fogarty Park, Cairns.
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers were the winners of the 2015 Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival Shield. …
Our Culture03:585,708 views
Big Talk One Fire Festival- Lockhart 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performance 2
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performing live at the UMI Arts Big Talk One Fire Indigenous Cultural Festival on 1 August, 2015 at Fogarty Park, Cairns.
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers were the winners of the 2015 Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival Shield. …
Our Culture01:465,845 views
Big Talk One Fire Festival- Lockhart 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performance 1
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers performing live at the UMI Arts Big Talk One Fire Indigenous Cultural Festival on 1 August, 2015 at Fo
UMI Arts Big Talk One Fire Indigegarty Park, Cairns.
The Lockhart River 'Kawadji Wimpa' Dancers were the winners of the 2015 Laura …
Our Culture04:066,014 views
Learning Kaantju
Level 2: Language Learning 2·Level 3: Language Learning 3