( Yawuru, Jawuru, Yauor, Jauor, Yauera, Djauor, Yaoro, Yauro, Yaroro, Yawur, Jaoro, Jauro, Kakudu-Kakudu, Gawor, Nawudu, Yawoorroo, Jauur, Kakudu Kakudu, Yaora, Yaoru, Yawuri, Yawurr )16 Videos 4 ContributorsAbout Yawuru
Videos in Yawuru
What Now Mob - Yawuru Seasonal Year
The Yawuru seasonal year consists of 6 seasons in which we hunt and gather different bush foods, this video presents some of the foods we get in the certain seasons. Enjoy.
Our Tucker03:171,458 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 9 - Shore fishing, needed to get out of the house!
After so long of self isolation at home due to the COVID19 threat we decided to get out and do some shore fishing.
Didn't have a big catch but we had a good morning out of the house.
Our videos use royalty free music supplied by Epidemic Sounds.
Our Tucker05:502,342 views
DAY TRIP TO BARRED CREEK - 33 kms north of Broome (not Yawuru country).
NO FISH TODAY, but we did manage to catch some sights of the beautiful Barred Creek!
We'd like to express a big thank you to the Traditional Owners of this area for allowing us to fish, hunt and film on your country.
Our Way12:392,378 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 4 - Throw net fishing for big mullets and sooty grunters in Roebuck Bay.
Yawuru Wambas (Yawuru Men) Johno Pearson and Lloyd Pigram show us how to catch mullets and grunters with a throw net from the front of a boat in Roebuck Bay.
A big thanks to Yawuru Elder Dianne Appleby for taking us out on her boat for the day.
Our Tucker03:181,907 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 3 - Foraging in Roebuck Bay
Another beautiful day in Yawuru Country!
Emma and Johani go foraging in the low tides of Roebuck Bay. They find many things but only collect some oysters, cockle shells and a male mud crab before heading home for a cook up.
Check out MABU BURU LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel604 …
Our Tucker14:101,820 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 2 - Goanna hunting with Ubbie and the boys.
It's still Mangala season in 2020 so Johani and his Yagu Alphonse Balacky (Ubbie) goes goanna hunting with their sons. They did a cook up at Deep Creek before heading home for a feast!
Yagu means Brother in law and is pronounced as yagoo. Also, when we say "sons" we are also …
Our Tucker20:241,898 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 7 (PART 2 OF 3) - Mud crabbing north of Broome
Part 2, of a 3 part episode.
Mud crabbing with my Cousin-Brother Tyson Hamilton on Jabirr Jabirr / Ngombol Country with our Yagu (Brother in law - Leon) and one of his son's (Bubba).
It was a BIG day - hence the three part episode - but worth it...
Our videos use royalty …
Our Tucker20:492,011 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 7 (PART 1 of 3) - Boat Fishing in Roebuck Bay then Mud Crabbing.
Part 1, of a 3 part episode.
Fishing for salmon with my Cousin-Brother Tyson Hamilton and his Wife Nora Hamilton before going mud crabbing up north (Jabirr Jabirr / Ngombol Country) with Nora's brother (Leon) and one of his son's (Bubba).
It was a BIG day - hence the three …
Our Tucker21:371,743 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 6 - The kids have a "flip session" to help pass the time.
Today we went hunting on Roebuck Plains with Micklo Turner and caught some fresh goanna. While we were waiting for the goanna to cook the kids had a "flip session" to help pass the time.
This video is dedicated to the flip session kids who also recorded some of the footage. …
Young Way03:072,052 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 5 - Goanna hunting, retrieving goanna from burrows and ant hills.
A couple of older goanna hunting videos:
Video 1 - My Cousin pulling a goanna out from an ant's nest.
Video 2 - Me and my Ranger crew pulling a goanna out from under a paper bark tree during a lunch break.
Our videos use royalty free music supplied by Epidemic Sounds.
Our Tucker04:341,866 views
MABU BURU LIFESTYLE EPISODE 7 (PART 3 OF 3) - Mud crabbing north of Broome
Part 3, of a 3 part episode.
Mud crabbing with my Cousin-Brother Tyson Hamilton on Jabirr Jabirr / Ngombol Country with our Yagu (Brother in law - Leon) and one of his son's (Bubba).
It was a BIG day - hence the three part episode - but worth it...
Our videos use royalty …
Our Tucker18:582,079 views
Today Johani goes out to a sacred place called Ilbi. Ilbi is on Karajarri Country which is Johani's traditional lands from his mother's side.
Johani's Karajarri Brother, Gulu (from "Gulu Hunting Lifestyle" YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL7... ) shows us …
Our Way44:371,903 views
Gujiragun - This Place
'This Place' is a partnership between the ABC and First Languages Australia inviting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to create a short video about a place name, and the story behind it. Share with ICTV with support from the Community Benefit Fund.
Underneath the …
Our Culture02:343,390 views
Judy Anne Edgar - Yawuru
First Languages Australia short with Judy Anne Edgar speaking Yawuru.
This video was created as part of the First Languages Australia project the Gambay language map which can be viewed here: https://gambay.com.au/
Our Culture02:074,549 views
Hiroko Shioji - Yawuru
First Languages Australia short with Hiroko Shioji speaking Yawuru.
This beautiful series of shorts from First Languages Australia celebrate Indigenous languages, and the people who speak them, keep them alive and help others to learn more about Indigenous language.
Our Culture01:494,224 views