Our News
News and current affairs stories in Indigenous languages and English.
In other news... CAFL bush comp kicked out of town, and floods hit NT communities (Kriol)
Our News04:311,091 views
Indigenous leaders finding Indigenous solutions to Alice Springs' problems (Warlpiri subtitles)
Our News11:251,323 views
Indigenous leaders finding Indigenous solutions to Alice Springs' problems (English subtitles)
Our News11:241,295 views
We ask people from Yuendumu, Ulpanyali what they think about the Voice to Parliament (English subtitles)
Our News05:551,816 views
We ask people from Yuendumu, Ulpanyali what they think about the Voice to Parliament (Warlpiri)
Our News06:001,166 views
'Yolgnu Boy' actor returns in new film about Indigenous struggle throughout history (Warlpiri subtitles)
Our News05:441,110 views
Titjikala mob tell us what they think about the Voice to Parliament (Yankunytjatjara, Western Arrarnta)
Our News06:582,298 views
In other news... three more charged with Turvey murder, and the Ngurrara is saved (Western Arrarnta)
Our News02:521,188 views