IOP | Stories Of The Land - Gunbalanya NT
Added by Indigenous Outreach Projects
- Young Way
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IOP were gifted with the opportunity to listen, learn and explore the local landscape. We were especially honoured to be educated by the Elders about sacred dreamings of the land. From these teachings the students wrote about some of these dreamtime stories they learnt about in the lyrics of this song.
With a powerful chorus written in language it translates to:
'We love our home, we love this land
Walking together hand in hand
Culture is strong, culture is important'
The IOP Team would like to send a big thank you to all the elders, staff and youth of the community for coming together to make this video possible.
Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) engaged Indigenous Outreach Projects to work alongside Gunbalanya School and the Community during their wet season.
- Language:English, Kunwinjku, Gunwinggu, Gunwinygu
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Hiphop
- Year Completed:2021
- Director:IOP Crew
- Editor:IOP Crew
- Talent:Community Members
- Sound Recordist:IOP Crew
- Partner Organisation:Remote School Attendance Strategy + Gunbalanya School
- Location:Gunbalanya, NT
- Duration:00:04:43
- Producer or Facilitator:IOP Crew
- Camera:IOP Crew
- Writer:Community Members and IOP Crew
- Translator:Community Members