Nginingawula Ngirramini - A dedication to our Tiwi Elders
Added by Red Dust Role Models
- Young Way
- 786 hits
In alignment with The International Decade for Indigenous Languages 2022-2032, this song
and lyrics have been made by the students of Tiwi College with support from Francis Kapijiyi
Orsto, Red Dust Role Models and Mamanta.
Many efforts have been made to use correct Tiwi language, please understand if there are
areas that may not be perfect, we are all still learners in the space of language and cultural
Thank you to all the people who from around Tiwi communities who permitted the use of
their visual portraits in this video.
Verse 1
My country comes from the place my dad belongs
On my fathers’ side, where my totem’s from
Where it feels like home
Where I feel at peace
When my time has come
- set my spirit free
Tiwi tribes, strong in our culture
Carry the songs past down from the elders
Yimpinari, pumpuni japinari Yimpinari (where the) good morning to
Kapi Malawu ampi-kingartami Malawu (where the) sunsets over water
Ngawa-ampi nga maniguwi wuta Our grandparents have taught us
Pirri-minu waluwa Our language/story
Nginingawula Ngirramini
Nginingawula Ngirramini
Verse 2
Pili-awarra ngawurraningurumangi So that we keep our language and
Ngini nuka nginti mata ngili parra. never forget about the language we
Kapi ngawampi speak that come from our grandparents
Amintiya ngaw a ngintinirimi
wantirrana ngirramini Ngini ngampangira
Tiwi culture we be keeping it strong
Got my elders there, we’ll be singing along
My elders, they’re my inspiration,
teaching us knowledge for the next generation
Ngawa awungarra turrampila ngamirri ngunjupunji ngaya Here we are dancing together
Ngawa awungarra turrampila ngamirri ngunjupunji ngaya Here we are dancing together
Chorus x 2
Ngawa-ampi nga maniguwi wuta
Pirri-minu waluwa
Nginingawula Ngirramini
Nginingawula Ngirramini
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Community
- Year Completed:2023
- Director:Red Dust
- Editor:Kai Lane U’Ren
- Sound Recordist:Steve Lane & Joseph Carra