What is Rheumatic Heart Disease?
Added by Red Dust Role Models
- Young Way
- 747 hits
Red Dust and Mamanta piloted a new Healthy Living Program education module on Tiwi Country, to raise awareness of rheumatic heart disease.
Read more about the experience: https://www.reddust.org.au/blog-posts...
Thank you to the following local community partners and collaborators:
- Mamanta
- Tictac and Bell from Indigenous Literacy Foundation Tiwi Islands
- Tiwi Training & Employment Board/Remote School Attendance Program (RSAS)
- Local health clinics in Milikapati, Pirlimgimpi, and Wurrumiyanga
- Catholic Care School Holiday Program
Thank you to our program funding partners:
- Edwards Lifesciences Foundation
- Yaru Foundation
Additional Thanks to supporting agencies that offered support, information and resources:
- The Heart Foundation
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia
- Menzies School of Health Research
A big thanks to the project team – Joel Moreta, Leigh Bramall, Sharon Burns, River Bramall & Shia Cooper... and all those awesome young people and their families who took part!
- Language:English
- Location:Tiwi Islands, NT, AUSTRALIA
- Duration:00:03:53
- Producer or Facilitator:Leigh Bramwell
- Camera:Darren Brampton, Steve Lane, Kai Lane U’Ren
- Music & Musician:-
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Health & Education
- Year Completed:2023
- Director:Red Dust
- Editor:Kai Lane U’Ren
- Sound Recordist:Steve Lane & Joseph Carra