Fly Back Home by The Desert Sevenz
Added by Barkly Shire Council
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Fly Back Home is a fusion of traditional and contemporary storytelling, sampling an ancient and sacred Alyawarr ceremony that tells the story of the Emu Dreaming. We tried to incorporate local story and lore into an engaging and popular culture form-becoming a metaphor for young people to 'fly back home'- to learn, connect and be proud of your culture identity.
- Language:Alyawarr, Alyawarre
- Location:Amlilatwatja, NT Australia
- Duration:00:03:42
- Producer or Facilitator:Toby Finlayson
- Writer:Toby Finlayson, Joel Westlake & Preston Payne
- Music & Musician:Music written and produced by Joel Westlake Music co-produced by Josh Nicholas
- English Subtitles:No
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Hiphop
- Year Completed:2013
- Director:Toby Finlayson
- Talent:Ampilatwja Youth
- Copyright:Barkly Shire Council & Desert Pea Media
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