One Mob Forever by The OC
Added by Desert Pea Media
- Young Way
- 4,209 hits
Created as part of a 4-day mentoring program with three artists from Desert Pea Media, and young people from Orange NSW.
In partnership with Arts OutWest, the 'Spread The Word' project looked at using storytelling and contemporary media to create dialogue and advocate awareness of healthy lifestyles and chronic disease prevention to Aboriginal communities in Central West NSW.
This Local Community Campaign was developed with funding from the Australian Government through the Department of Health and Ageing and delivered in partnership with the Aboriginal Health Unit and the Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Strategy.
The people of the Torres Strait are strongly connected to their ancestral lands and traditional culture is very strong and vibrant here. This particular production aimed to create a story that would recognize and advocate awareness of the struggles of the past, yet celebrate TSI culture and represent the different cultural groups that make up the Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait).
Special thanks to Deb Belyea, Rachel Templeton, Patrick Mau, Gail Mabo, and Richard Matthew
We pay our respects to the Kawrareg people - traditional owners of the country upon which this story was told.
- Language:English
- Genre:Music Video Clip - Hiphop
- Year Completed:2013
- Writer:Joel Rappaport & Roy Weiland
- English Subtitles:No
- Duration:00:03:07
- Producer or Facilitator:Lucia Cortese